Technologically challenged…

I am finding my blog to be not so easy to customize as I thought, making this process much less fun than I anticipated it being.  I hope I can learn to navigate through all this with much greater ease in the near future so the life of my laptop can be extended for at least another week!

Feeling old,


3 responses to “Technologically challenged…

    • Oh my gosh! This is exactly what I needed to read right now! LOL Thanks for the smile. Maybe we can help each other along!

      Are you in any other classes this semester? I’m also in Contemp World Lit and a film class and Ed 3208 and Ed 4737… Frustrated with anything to do with online. I took two online classes this summer through U of Phoenix and their platform was a breeze to navigate, very user-friendly… BSU not so much!

      Best of luck to you, too!


      • I would love that, especially considering I know a whole zero people in this course. And goodness, ED 3208; I haven’t been hearing the greatest thing from students who are taking that this semester, ha-ha. Anything with O’Bryan is a lot of work. Also, I am in ED 4737, but I don’t see you in my classlist, which totally sucks. You might be in another section. But yeah, BSU has D2L for most online classes. Not the greatest interface, but I’m sure we can both work through WordPress together! I look forward to reading your next posts; have a good night!

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